We won: the module of gender studies will be taught again at the University of Calabria!
Categories: Femminismo a Sud


Pubblichiamo la traduzione in inglese (Grazie a Grazia de Michele!) del post che parla del ripristino del Corso di Studi di Genere, di modo che possiate condividerlo con tutte le persone straniere che ringraziamo allo stesso modo e che hanno supportato e firmato la petizione. Grazie mille ancora a tutti/e voi!


We won: the module of gender studies will be taught again at the University of Calabria!

Thanks to the mobilization of students and our national petition, signed by hundreds of people, the module of Gender Studies taught by Laura Corradi will be offered again by the University of Calabria.

The decision to close the module had been strongly criticized, hitting the news. The department had declared that the module had not been closed for ever, but just “frozen” and that it was still possible to resuscitate it. A written question had been submitted to the Chamber of Deputies by MP Celeste Costantino (Left, Ecology and Freedom). And the module will be taught again – not for the BA but for the Master programme and it has been given a new name “Gender Studies and intersectional methodology”. Laura Corradi had to renounce to teach another of her modules, that of health and environmental sociology attended by philosophy, education and media studies students. Every battle has casualties.

Students say many positive things, however:

Francesca “This was my first battle, we made mistakes (we had hanged a banner in the Auditorium on social work day, but it’s been removed just before the celebration organized by the regional social workers’ association started). I thought “what sort of democracy is this?”. Next time we’ll be less naïve”.

Matilde: “I wish to thank all the feminists and all the people who signed the petition and helped us, there are useless modules, why don’t they cut those??? I was puzzled that the Women Studies centre didn’t sign our petition and that they simply issued a public statement without mentioning our struggle. When the goal is the same, people have to stay united!”

Elma: “When, during her visit here, Vandana Shiva gave us her support we felt strong, it’s been wonderful to see that our petition did the rounds. Not just feminists, but men and women who believe the importance of gender studies. Otherwise, why should they have cared about our module, about us, the students of the University of Calabria, about our teacher?”

As far as we are concerned, we believe that this is a political victory to be valued. That’s why we have decided to go on with the census of gender studies modules which are closed or risk to be closed in Italy. This campaign has been supported by students, workers, academics from all over the world who have understood the urgency of the Italian situation, we got the support of many feminists and various anti-sexist groups.

Laura, with whom we have spoken over the phone, says she is satisfied of the outcome and happy that students will be given the opportunity to attend her lessons.

Gender Studies is a common good. We wish that at the University of Calabria, and in any other university, it will no longer be necessary to choose between important subjects and that the will for change and the ability to do wonders will continue to arrive from the South.

Modules of gender studies in all the courses!!

Thanks to everyone for contributing to circulate the petition, to translate it and get it signed. The contribution of everybody has been crucial to give this module back to students


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